New Voices: DePaul Cristo Rey High School and Joseph House, Fall, 2018

Posted on August 28, 2018

In the Fall of 2018, DePaul Cristo Rey High School English Honors students worked with residents of Joseph House on a collaborative artistic project. Students will incorporate their work with Joseph House residents into year long senior capstone projects which will be presented in written, video or mixed media format during the Spring of 2019.

Students and their partners at Joseph House photographed at several locations around Over-the-Rhine, a historic neighborhood in Cincinnati’s developing urban core. The group photographed in the neighborhood surrounding Joseph House, Eden Park, Sawyer Point on the Ohio River and in Washington Park.

Image of Over-the-Rhine by Joseph House resident Josh

Aside from creating a strong body of expressive photographs, the group shared personal stories with each other and reflected on their work throughout the program. Students learned about life in the military from their Joseph House partners and students likewise shared their thoughts about school and their plans for the future.

One DePaul student, O’shun, talked about her experience working with a group outside of the school community.

I didn’t know the kind of resources available for veterans before I came to Joseph House. It was cool being here. After the program got started, I knew that when I would go to Joseph House each week, that we would all change each other’s perspectives in some way, even though we didn’t know each other before this program. I feel like I made a difference in people’s lives.
I think about “listening”. I always tell people if they’re arguing that it’s better to listen to understand and not listen to judge. When I heard we were going to be here, I didn’t know how I would be able to help. I feel that by being here and listening to each other and acknowledge our creative sides we really helped each other.

The combined group decided to create a photo collage as a final project. The collage is based on a silhouette the group designed which shows group members reaching their arms upward in support of an image of the world. This unique take on the classical image of Atlas shouldering the burden of the world alone represents the group’s commentary on the power of collaboration across diverse boundaries. This collage will be presented to Joseph House at the conclusion of the program.