Milford High School Inaugurates New Voices Costa Rica

Posted November 30 2019

New Voices is pleased to welcome Milford High School students to its inaugural service learning experience in Costa Rica in January, 2020.

Llanos de Cortez Catarata

New Voices is pleased to welcome Milford High School to its inaugural service learning program in Costa Rica. Fourteen adventurous students will travel to Playa Samara Costa Rica January 18-25 to serve, learn and explore in Costa Rica. This busy week will present students with a condensed New Voices experience to form personal connections, create artistic projects in collaboration with Costa Rican students and present their work in a final exhibit and catalog.

Thanks to the Milford Exempted School Village administration for recognizing the value of this experiential program for students and allowing them to travel with excused absences during the Spring school term. New Voices plans to make the most of this great opportunity to challenge students to overcome the many barriers inherent in connecting and collaborating with others outside of their own communities. In this case, they will put their Spanish skills to the test, sharing personal stories with their Costa Rican student partners and collaboratively photographing the community in and around Playa Samara. Milford New Voices students will also have the chance to explore some of the natural wonders of Costa Rica alongside their partners.

Stay tuned for images and student reactions from this experience.
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